x++ / Caffeine

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Caffeine is a x++ to Python conversion module and CLI. It converts your existing code to Python for performance improvements or just general codebase migration.
It's included with x++ since version 3.1.2 and is available globally as the Python package caffeine.

It implements all features available in xpp except for imports.

Basic Usage

If you had a file called main.xpp and wanted to convert it to Python, you could do something like this:

caffeine main.xpp

This will give you a main.py file in the same directory.

Another feature is auto minification of the resulting Python code via the -1 flag.
To convert main.xpp to minified Python, you would run:

caffeine -o -1 main.xpp

Notice the -o in there? That stands for overwrite, so caffeine will write over the existing main.py file (if it exists).

Lastly, Caffeine supports automatic building via pyinstaller.
To convert main.xpp to an exe (or binary, depending on your OS) and then run it automatically, you can do something like this:

caffeine -o -r -b main.xpp

This will give you a main file and will run it automatically after pyinstaller builds it.
However, this obviouslly requires that you have pyinstaller installed and added to system PATH.


Run caffeine --help for more up to date and accurate information then these docs can provide.

Last Updated: March 9th, 2024 by iiPython

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